Monday, September 1, 2008

Children’s Action Alliance Interactive Web Tool Allows Users To Balance The State Budget

Children’s Action Alliance is giving the public an opportunity to 'get in' on the action and create their own state budget with an easy-to-use interactive web tool. The web tool allows users to mark their own priorities for taxes and spending and figure out how they would erase Arizona’s budget deficit.

“The decisions our legislators make to balance the budget are shaping the health, education, and security of children and families for years to come,” said Dana Wolfe Naimark, President and CEO of Children’s Action Alliance. “This tool gives Arizona citizens the opportunity to speak up about a budget that reflects their values and priorities.”

Visitors of the site must decide: Will they balance the budget by cutting spending or increasing revenues – or some of each? If they chose to increase spending in particular areas or cut specific taxes, then they’ll have to figure out how to pay for those choices.After balancing the budget, users can email their budget plan to Governor Napolitano and let her know what they consider Arizona’s priorities should be.

“The budget negotiations this year all happened behind closed doors with virtually no public discussion,” said Naimark. “But the voices of Arizonans should matter. There will be more state budget deficits ahead before the economy rebounds and elected officials should hear how their constituents want to balance the budget.”

To access the site visit and click on “What’s New”.