Saturday, January 31, 2009

Mesa Police Dept. Notices Increase In Vehicle Burglaries In Church Parking Lots

The Mesa Police Department has seen an increase in vehicle burglaries in parking lots of places of worship during services/meeting/activities.

Due to this increase in criminal activity, they are asking for your help with the following:

Have notification added to your bulletins, newsletters, on your website and in e-mails reminding people not to leave anything of value in their vehicle; lock car doors and make sure windows are rolled up at all times.

Ask speakers before the service begins to remind people not to leave anything of value in their vehicle.

Have staff members or volunteers from the congregation "patrol" the parking lot during services and call the police at 480-644-2211 if they see anything suspicious, such as individuals hanging out in the parking lot or looking in vehicles and/or trying door handles.