Monday, February 2, 2009

Water Main Line Work Continues For The City of Globe

Blucor Contracting has been retained by the City of Globe to install several isolation valves on the City of Globe's main water transmission line and replace a portion of 12" water main line on the east side of Globe. This is being done to help avoid water outages in the future.

While this ongoing work is be performed, there will be some interruption in water service in areas at different stages. Every effort will be made to minimize inconvenience to all City of Globe water customers. However, regretfully there may be occasions where some inconvenience will be experienced as our contractor must perform the work in a timely manner.

Please be advised that the water will be off in the Alhambra Heights area and on Highway 70 east of Globe on Feb. 3rd, between 8 am and 5 pm.

When water is restored, customers should run an outside hose bib until air and sediment has exited the line to avoid inside water lines being affected.

They do apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.