Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Gila County Democratic Forum

The Gila County Democratic Forum is Wednesday, July 30th, at 7 pm in the GC Supervisor's Meeting room on 1700 Ash Street.

The Sheriff Candidates and the Supervisor District 2 Candidates will have 2 minutes to speak first. Then six Questions will be asked for each group. Each Candidate will have 1 minute to address the question, all candidates will answer the same question and the first person to answer the question will be rotated fairly. After the Q & A period, each candidate will have two minutes for a closing statement.

After the first two groups, we will pause to allow Jack Brown and State Senate Candidate Bill Jeffers to speak. Debra J. Tapia-Blair and Shirley L. Dawson will also be present to speak. The latter candidate, as you know, will be our "WRITE-IN" candidate, due to the untimely death of Jake Flake. These two Candidates will have no PRIMARY challenge.

The forum will resume, after this interlude, with the CD-1 Candidates. They will each have 5 minutes to make an initial statement, then questions will begin for them. They will also have 1 minute to respond, using the above mentioned process. Candidates Mary Kim Titla and Jeffrey Brown will attend the Forum. Unfortunately, Ann Kirkpatrick and Howard Shanker had previous engagements.

As the audience members arrive, 3x5 cards will be distributed so questions for the candidates can be written down.