Friday, July 25, 2008

Water Bottles Being Gathered For The Salvation Army's Homeless Hydration Stations

With temperatures over 100 degrees everyday it's natural for us to carry water bottles. But what about the people who cannot buy water for themselves? Regardless of how they got into this position, many people are homeless and need assistance, especially during these hot summer months.

The Salvation Army in Phoenix has created Hydration Stations to serve the area's homeless population and ensure their access to cold water as the valley gets deeper into the summer months. To help with this endeavor, Temple Beth Sholom of the East Valley, a Jewish conservative synagogue, is asking its members and the local community to bring cases of water bottles to the Chandler worship center that will then be transported to the Salvation Army at Van Buren and 28th Street.

To be a part of this selfless project, please bring your donated cases of water to Temple Beth Sholom of the East Valley, 3400 N. Dobson Road in Chandler.