Thursday, July 31, 2008

Mesa Reminds Bike Riders To Follow Rules To Remain Safe

Combat rising gas prices, reduce air pollution & stay healthy by riding your bike to work, school, on errands or just for fun. Many bike riders are comfortable on trails and paved paths but hitting the streets can be intimidating when trying to commute to work. Pay attention & obey the rules of the road to have an enjoyable experience riding your bike. It may even become a habit.

When you send your bike to the shop for a tune up before you begin riding also tune in to these safety tips.

1. Always wear a helmet. Look for the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) or American Society for Testing & Materials (ASTM) sticker inside the helmet. These have met performance standards. Choose a helmet that fits comfortably. Make sure it is level on your head & the helmet touches all around your head. The front & rear straps should form a “Y” just below the ears & the chinstrap must be fastened.
2. Always ride on the right side of the road with the flow of traffic. Obey all traffic laws & signs. Stop at red lights & stop signs.
3. Be more visible in traffic by wearing light, bright colors.
4. Be alert and ride defensively. Expect the unexpected from drivers, other bicyclists & pedestrians.
5. For longer trips try putting your bike on the bus. For information on how to use bus bike racks go to the "Bike On Bus" section of

Safety is a part of bicycling as tires are a part of the bike. Be safe! Be seen! Be smart!

City of Mesa bike maps and safety brochures are available from the City of Mesa Transportation Department. Call (480) 644-2160.