Saturday, July 12, 2008

City of Mesa Landscape Watering Reminder

Amazing and intense monsoons stormed through all areas of the Valley last night & into the morning. Most areas had downpours of 1 to 3 inches with more rain expected. If you're not sure how much fell in your neighborhood, visit to see what local weather watchers have recorded.

Anytime you receive at least 1-half inch of rain, use the 'off' 'stop' or 'rain' setting on your controller to stop the watering cycle without disturbing your programs. Keep an eye on your landscape to determine when you need to turn the controller back on. Use a soil probe or long screwdriver, & when you cannot easily slide the probe into the soil your plants need water again.

You may notice that your plants look greener & brighter after the rains... and it's not just because the dust got washed off! Rainwater contains many beneficial ingredients for your plants, but thunderstorms provide an added bonus when lightning converts atmospheric nitrogen into a nitrogen-fertilizer solution. Learn how you can capture more rainwater to use on your landscape at

Bonus Tip: The best time to hand pull weeds in your landscape is after a good rain. It's a lot easier to pull out the entire weed, roots & all, when the soil is moist. Weeds often compete with landscape plants for water.